Jewish Review of Books
The Jewish Review of Books invites you to our
3rd Annual Conference

Date: Sunday, January 14, 2018
Time: Buffet breakfast at 8:45 a.m. · Program commences at 9:30 a.m.
Lunch will be served · Hors d'oeuvres & wine at 4:30 p.m. ·  Dietary laws observed
Location: Museum of Jewish Heritage
36 Battery Place, New York, NY 10280

Conference Ticket: $360 per ticket, $300 for JRB subscribers.
Seating for one person at the conference. Event includes breakfast, lunch, and a wine reception.
Your purchase, minus $60 per ticket for goods and services provided, is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.
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Yes, I am a JRB subscriber.

Attendee Information
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We hope you will consider joining the JRB Society and support JRB at one of the following leadership levels, which includes the exclusive benefits listed below. All society donations are completely tax-deductible.
Friend: $2,000
Two (2) tickets to the annual conference, participation at lectures and book events in New York during the course of the year with JRB authors and Tikvah scholars, invitation to audit 1 Tikvah seminar in New York during the course of the year.
Editors' Circle: $5,000
Four (4) tickets to the annual conference, participation at lectures and book events in New York during the course of the year with JRB authors and Tikvah scholars, invitation to audit 2 Tikvah seminars in New York during the course of the year.
Publication Committee: $10,000
Four (4) tickets to the annual conference, participation at lectures and book events in New York during the course of the year with JRB authors and Tikvah scholars, invitation to audit unlimited Tikvah seminars in New York during the course of the year, special recognition in each issue of the magazine during the year, private lunch/meeting with JRB writers or Tikvah scholar.

I/We would like to make an additional $  contribution to support the Jewish Review of Books.
I/We are unable to attend, however, please accept a $  contribution to support the Jewish Review of Books.

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Please note:
  •  After the event, you will receive a tax donation letter for tax purposes. This letter will explain that Bee.Ideas, LLC, doing business as Jewish Review of Books, is an LLC wholly owned by the Tikvah Fund, and as such contributions to Jewish Review of Books are deductible to the same extent as to the Tikvah Fund, which is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
  •  All sales are final.

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